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Paph Sunlight Rothschild 'Sunlight #2' x Paph rothschildianum 'X' SM/TOGA

SKU ST 469
Price incl. GST (10%) AU$2.73
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Paph Sunlight Rothschild 'Sunlight #2' x Paph rothschildianum 'X' SM/TOGA
Product Details
Sizes available: B, C, D
Paph Sunlight Rothschild is Paph Lady Isobel with Paph rothschildianum. By adding more Paph rothschildianum the progeny will be mostly 95% Paph rothschiladianum with a little from Paph stonei. Paph rothschildianum looking flowers. This cross was registered in 2020 as Paph Sunlight Sky Roths.
